Why are Entertainment blogs the key spice of today’s news industry?

Our country is a mixture of various types of people.

By that I mean, everyone has a personal choice and opinion about a topic. Even when it comes to the consumption of news, there are different opinions floating on every nook and corner. For some, news is all about what is happening across the borders in a foreign land, while for some it is what’s taking place regionally.

Few people love crime related stories and some cannot live without reading entertainment blogs. It’s drastically different from one another. Right? For one person, the entire world confines within the boundaries of his village. And for someone, even the borderline of a country isn’t strong enough to stop him.

What does this portray?

This drastic gap between the mentalities of people in India works in wonderful ways though. This keen observation of people’s interest towards one type of news has formed the news industry which revolves around best entertainment blogs India.

Earlier there was no section wise news apart from the basic political, crime and sports stories. But as time passed and the people started showing interest towards other forms of news stories, the journalists and writers thought it would be better to give the people what they want.

What were the initial changes?

In the beginning, when the idea of including entertainment stories was proposed, there might have been people who opposed it. They might have come up with the reasons that entertainment is something which cannot be termed as a hard-core news. And that it might not even be liked by the public in the longer run.

But all those reasons, fall right on the face because everyone knows what the position of entertainment blogs India is now.

What are the changes in terms of news consumption behavior?

Most of the people today love consuming news in a different manner. On the go, to be precise. No one likes to wait for the anchor to read out the news so that they can know what’s going around in the country or the world.

Everyone is in a hurry and wants their news to be crisp, precise and to the point. This trend emerged after people became addicted to smartphones and wanted the phones to be the source of everything they read. Even the news for that matter.

Why are entertainment blogs in demand?

Easy to say, people now need everything to be entertaining. Be it a happy news or a serious political news. If you just add the tint of humour and entertainment to it, it is fit for the consumption of the cult of entertainment blogs India.

You might laugh that I termed the readers as a cult but that’s the reality. There are few people who have no idea about any serious news going around the world or even India. And why so?

Because they choose to only read entertainment blogs. And nothing else. Whatever small information they get related to the serious news’s are those which are modified by some blogger with the purpose of making it more sarcastic.

But hey, that’s how Indians like their news nowadays, right?

It won’t be wrong to say that people today are least bothered about the news today. All they look for is entertainment and something to laugh about to forget the stress.

And frankly speaking, with the ever rising crimes and corruption, I don’t think looking for happiness and humour in every small thing is bad. Or is it? You tell me.

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